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The Vision of Citadel of Praise is to bring people to the realisation of the fulfilment of their God given dreams and potentials, and to teach people the Word of God with integrity. Citadel of Praise Manchester aims to build up responsible men and women that are confident in their God given rights, which in turn will enable them to impact and change community. Armed with the knowledge of their position in Christ, believers will contribute to the spiritual, relational, and economic growth of their community.

Responsible for the sales of audiotapes, videotapes, CDs, DVDs, of messages preached at COP.
For more information, please email:

The Communication Department strategically manages communications between the church and its various publics. Through our in-house managed dynamic website, public service announcements and banners, the communication department promotes all of the church events, inside COP and out.

For more information, please email:

Jeans is a student group within Citadel of Praise for all university students. The group was initiated in 2015 with the aim of catering more directly to the spiritual and academic essentials of students in our Church especially foreign students both undergraduate and post graduate respectively. The fellowship is formulated for students from within and outside Church.

Throughout the academic year, a series of programs are held which cater to the full well-being of the people within this group. This usually commence with dinner night for both new and returning students. During the school sessions, teachings and discussions are held with the goal of building up a bunch people who will put God first in all they do and also fulfil their God given destiny.

The tremendous accomplishment of the group has been the number of souls that have been won for Christ and restoration of godly relationships. It is a place where students come and bond spiritually and academically with like-minded people and most importantly a place where they discover God more intimately.

For more information, please email:

The hospitality and Immigrations department serves to be a resource and support to newcomers to the United Kingdom who have chosen Citadel of Praise as their home church ,as well those members of the church who have lost their jobs or are facing immigration challenges.
For more information, please email:

This department manages all IT needs and requirements for the church.
For more information, please email:

This group of people record the weekly news and announcements for the church.
For more information, please email:

The men and women of the maintenance department of Citadel of Praise Manchester are committed to the fulfilment of the vision of the house – “Challenging people…. Utilising their potential”.

We believe that cleanliness, safety and conduciveness of the church facility and its environs are a cogent part of the overall worship experience for both our current members and new guests to our church; hence we dedicate ourselves to making this happen.

We serve alongside the church custodians to ensure proper maintenance of both the inside and the grounds of the church. Sharing the responsibility of inspecting the church building and property to determine any need for repair or improvements.

As it is often said “You only have one opportunity to make a first impression”, our goal, as a department is to ensure that the first impression of every guest to our church is “this is a church of love and care, a place I would really love to be a part of”!

For more information, please email:

This is a volunteer group of men providing service to the congregation in the area of parking. Rain, storm, sleet, or snow; these men will direct worshippers to and from parking areas as parking is scarce with a growing church in Jesus Name. They also provide whatever assistance is needed or requested during climate weather.

For more information, please email:

The Department of Membership Services is a resource for strong and selfless people who provide a nurturing and caring environment for the benefit of all members of Citadel of Praise while being committed to our immediate community.
For more information, please email:

The Multimedia Department provides the church with technical support for all events that require sound reinforcement. These events include, but are not limited to rehearsals, all worship services, concerts, remote events that require setup and operation of sound systems. The Technical Department also handles the operation and maintenance of video and audio equipment.

For more information, please email:

We believe in the power and efficacy of prayer. Our vision is to challenge people to build up their prayer life .

The scriptures make several references to Jesus rising up early to pray. It was during these times He downloaded information, and used it to map out and strategies for the ministry He had been called to. He did this on a regular basis. For him it was a lifestyle. The disciples had seen their local religious leaders, the scribes and Pharisees, pray. But never had they been challenged and attracted to inquire more about prayer until they saw Jesus pray. For there was something electrifying, motivating, attractive, inviting and unique about the way Jesus prayed that one of the disciples was compelled to ask Him, “Lord, teach us to pray….” Luke 11:1. Jesus did not begin with “Our Master who is in Heaven” nor did He begin with “Jehovah, hallowed be thy name”. He chose to begin with, “Our Father in Heaven”. See Matthew 6:9. In so doing Jesus was teaching us that Prayer must start from the premise of friendship and relationship.

We encourage you to join us in prayer every Wednesday and Thursday from 7.00pm – 8.00pm.

For more information, please email:

The goal of the protocol department is to seek and do God’s will, utilising the word, worship, and training they receive. To serve, service, and protect the under-shepherd of the house and our Guest Ministers while building up the kingdom of God. To achieve these goals, we are to pursue the following objectives:

  • Be spiritually sensitive to the needs of the Pastor/ Guest Ministers
  • Encourage the development of every Leader in the department.
  • Team building activities to foster unity and bonding.
  • Encouraging accountability amongst team members.

For more information, please email:

Pulse is a proactive group that is poised to leverage the combined learning that is underway at COP, along with continuous opportunities, innovation, and resources, to ensure the church and its operations are healthy and value adding magazine. We keep the memories of the House in a way that leaves no doubt that the Almighty is at work in our midst. This group, thus manifests the Scripture, “Let your light so shine that others will see your works and give glory to your Father in Heaven” (Matthew 5:16). We want to tell, enlighten, encourage, and most certainly dazzle our readers!

The innovation magazine features include but are not limited to: Family, Love, Ministry, Finance, The Law, Teen, Fashion, Events, Health, Goodies, Meditation, The Kitchen, and Interviews. These features allow the magazine to have an appeal to different demographics and people with varying interests; it also fosters a mindset that displays the involvement of God in daily human affairs.

We also support a relationship with and feature other Churches, and to offer our readers with a sense of being connected to a larger body. We have the task of reflecting a House that believes in excellence that operates in love that manifests evidence of victory through Christ, and is quite relevant to its world.

For more information, please email:

A meeting place for believers to encourage and provoke one another to love and fine works. It is a place to transact business with online access where light refreshment can be purchased during meetings.
For more information, please email:

The Transportation Department help to transport church members in need of transportation to church for services and special programs.
For more information, please email:

Oversees accounting procedures for Citadel of Praise.

For more information, please email:

Ushers meet, greet, and seat parishioners as they enter the Sanctuary and direct foot traffic in and around the sanctuary.

For more information, please email:

The COP Greeters provide an atmosphere of warmth and acceptance to all members and guests of COP by extending loving gestures of hospitality to all. They greet guests worshipping with us at COP, distribute COP literature, and assist visitors with registration information.

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